This Questionnaire is only for those with the need, the means and the commitment to work with me 1:1. First I will interview you and then help you first win your Inner Game. Then with that information I will create your accomplishments essays accomplishments statements and help you identify your skills for your data bank. I will write your custom résumé and cover letter for the promotion you seek, and then train you to interview with rock-solid confidence.

This service starts at $15,000. I guarantee your custom credentials will win you interviews, and I will keep working with you until you are hired.  

In my experience, there are two types of promotion- or job-seekers:

GENERIC 90%ers and MOTIVATED 10%ers.

Generic 90%ers want Premium Results for minimum effort. They see themselves as “Victims.” They are lazy and only want to complain: “The process is too hard” “The résumé and cover letter look too different.” “It costs too much.”

I don’t work 1:1 with Generic 90%ers.

Motivated 10%ers recognize value, want Premium Results and willingly put in the time, money, energy, and commitment to get them.

I only work with Motivated 10%ers.

Once you’ve done your part by giving me the information I need, I make three promises


I will transform that information into a custom résumé and targeted cover letter that will make you a TOP CANDIDATE for the promotion you seek;


You will win the interviews you seek;


I’ll teach you my system so you can win interviews whenever you want them – for the lifetime of your career

But first we have to see if you are a Motivated 10%er.

The following short little intake questionnaire will determine if there is reason for us to speak, or not.

If you object to anything you’ve read so far, please save us both time, and exit now. We are not a good fit.


BUT if you’re a Motivated 10%er and want to continue, please answer the following questions. *

  • Thank you. I will be in touch within 24 hours, and I give you my word this is a confidential document that is just between the two of us.

    Don Burrows
