This Questionnaire is only for those with the need, the means and the commitment to work with me 1:1. First I will interview you and then help you first win your Inner Game. Then with that information I will create your accomplishments essays accomplishments statements and help you identify your skills for your data bank. I will write your custom résumé and cover letter for the promotion you seek, and then train you to interview with rock-solid confidence.
This service starts at $15,000. I guarantee your custom credentials will win you interviews, and I will keep working with you until you are hired.
In my experience, there are two types of promotion- or job-seekers:
GENERIC 90%ers and MOTIVATED 10%ers.
Generic 90%ers want Premium Results for minimum effort. They see themselves as “Victims.” They are lazy and only want to complain: “The process is too hard” “The résumé and cover letter look too different.” “It costs too much.”
I don’t work 1:1 with Generic 90%ers.
Motivated 10%ers recognize value, want Premium Results and willingly put in the time, money, energy, and commitment to get them.