Employed, High-Five-Figure, Mid-Career Professionals Passed Over for Promotions You Know You’ve Earned

Don’t Ever Again Be Passed Over for Promotions You’ve Earned. This is the first of a series of strategic posts to help you be a TOP CANDIDATE each time you apply. I want to help you create a LIFETIME CAREER PLAN so you can win interviews each time you apply – from now until you retire.Why I’ve Earned the Right to Advise You
For over 30+ years I’ve helped hundreds of qualified promotion- and job-seekers, ignored by recruiters and hiring managers, jump-start their stalled careers and win interviews as TOP CANDIDATES.I’ll help you “Be the MEATBALL, not the spaghetti.”
[Image: To win promotions, STAND OUT, like a MEATBALL on spaghetti]

Have Any of These Happened to You?

  • Did someone less qualified pass you over?
  • Are your peers leaving you behind?
  • Has your career hit a wall?
  • Are you invisible to decision-makers for promotions you know you’ve earned?
  • Is your “Inner Game” (your self-esteem and job search self-confidence) lower than Trump’s approval rating?
If you answered “yes” to any of those five critical career questions, know this:
You CAN win interviews as a TOP CANDIDATE FOR PROMOTION, whenever you want them, from now until you retire.
My TOP CANDIDATE FOR PROMOTION™ system is straightforward and uncomplicated.
And it works.
You’ll find lots of proof here. And information about me here.Life Lesson From a Custom Résumé Strategist
I’ve learned that promotion- and job-seekers fall into one of two categories: GENERIC 90%ers, or MOTIVATED 10%ers.
GENERIC 90%ers follow the “Boilerplate Herd.” They blend in, likejustanotherstrandofgenericspaghettionaplate.
They write meaningless generic cover letters, and their generic résumés are nothing more than a “dates-and-duties” list of their daily responsibilities. Taken together, their credentials scream, “I’M JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. IGNORE ME!!!
Recruiters and decision-makers do just that.
MOTIVATED 10%ers are ATTENTION-GETTERS! They win interviews because they STAND OUT, LIKE A MEATBALL onthatplateofgenericspaghetti.
First MOTIVATED 10%ers identify their most relevant professional accomplishments, contributions to profitability, and skills. Then they customize selected accomplishments and skills to the requirements of each opportunity.
MOTIVATED 10%ers know:
  • The best way to win interviews is to be the TOP CANDIDATE, each time they apply
  • If they are just another Generic Applicant, they’ll be passed over, ignored, and forgotten
  • It is best to skip all that mass-posting silliness, and only apply where they can be a TOP CANDIDATE.
Which are you: MOTIVATED 10%er or GENERIC 90%er?
Your answer will determine how high and how fast your career will take you.
While MOTIVATED 10%ers are my intended audience, I’d like to do all I can to help GENERIC 90%ers learn to present themselves as TOP CANDIDATES so they too can win interviews and promotions for which they are qualified. I’ll include occasional GENERIC 90%er posts to help them become MOTIVATED 10%ers.
My next strategy post will be: ‘BE ORIGINAL.’https://lifetimecareerplan.com Resources to Avoid Being Passed Over for Promotions
  • I have several effective D-I-Y résumé-writing books, including the two books I use in my custom consulting and workshops:
  • When you click on the SUCCESSES tab, you’ll be able to read real résumés and cover letters that got real people real results. They were MOTIVATED 10%ers who became TOP CANDIDATES, won interviews, got hired, and advanced their careers with meaningful new work they wanted to do.
Until next time – “You CAN be a TOP CANDIDATE each time you apply.”


Don –